Sunday, February 23, 2020

Cyber Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cyber Security - Essay Example This essay discusses cyber security and focuses on Stuxnet, a highly effective computer virus. According to Infosecurity Magazine (2014), researchers (Symantec and Kaspersky Lab) found out that Stuxnet virus was developed by the working together of the U.S. and Israel with the intention of destroying five Iranian Industrial Firms. Its industrial automation was however carried out by the contractors that were working within the Natanz plant. From this assertion, one can deduce that the final target of the attack was a uranium enrichment facility that was in Natanz. However, Kelley (2013) asserts that Stuxnet worm was introduced into Natanz power plant through one of the workers’ thumb drive. The introduction of the virus led to the increase in the pressure of spinning centrifuges whereas on the other side, control room, it showed that everything was working normally by replaying recordings that were considered good by the controllers of the plant (Shamah, 2013). In his writing, Kelly further asserts that the main intention of the introduction of the warm was not to do away with the centrifuges, but to reduce their lifetime. According to Kelly, the U.S. and Israel unleashed the second variation only after some few years. They unleashed it not only because it was undetected, but also because they also wanted to attack the centrifuges as well as replicate the virus all types of computers. Thus, it is the knowledge of a second virus that led to the detection of the first version of Stuxnet.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Information System Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Information System - Research Paper Example This means that there ought to be coordination between different systems in an organisation whereby they are designed towards the attainment of the organisational goals set. b) Information systems are the means by which people and organisations, utilising technologies, gather, process, store, use and disseminate information (Haag, Cummings & Dawkins 2000). Indeed, business use of Internet, Intranets and Extranets has changed what businesspeople expect from Information Systems in their jobs. Basically, information processing has been made much easier through the use of internet, intranets as well as extranets. These make the link between different people more close and convenient for any business. If carefully implemented, the benefits of information systems are tremendous and overwhelming. Some of the benefits include the following: operating using networked computers is efficient, information can be processed at higher speed and paperwork is reduced and there would be likely chances of customer satisfaction since efficiency would be increased. 2. The phenomenal growth of the new information and communication technology particularly the internet has revolutionized the ways people conduct business during the contemporary period and businesses should engage in electronic commerce on the internet. E-commerce is primarily concerned with exchange of electronic information between parties normally followed by the exchange of goods and payment transactions. Essentially, the role of business is to serve its customers profitably and perfect service is only possible if a business has the right information in the hands of the right people at the right time of which this can only be attainable through the appropriate use of information technology. Thus, the internet plays a big role here. The internet is basically a network of networked computers all over the world (Haag, Cummings & Dawkins