Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Good Will Hunting - 1974 Words

Good Will Hunting is a film which conveys many interlocking themes and messages to its viewers. One of these nicely woven themes is placing trust in the people we care about as well as people we have only recently become acquainted with. Another message, arguably more significant than the last is finding and pursuing the potential one has and bringing meaning into our lives in any form we choose. I believe the potential and success this film demonstrates is that success, growth, and meaning in a person’s life does not always have to come in the form of advancing in a career or social status but rather in the form of overcoming hardships and developing close reciprocating relationships. The character this film is primarily centered†¦show more content†¦Finally there is Sean Maguire. Sean is Will’s therapist after he is sentenced to either therapy or jail. Sean teaches psychology at a community college in Boston and also had a tough upbringing. Sean has generall y been lost and unhappy since his wife passed years ago. Professor Lambeau and Sean used to be old college roommates and Professor Lambeau is the one who refers Sean as a therapist for Will. The beginning of the film depicts Will solving equations left on a chalk board at MIT that not even the most gifted of students can solve. Professor Lambeau searches for the mysterious â€Å"student† who is solving the posted equations. He finds Will in a court room where he is being sentenced to time in prison after being involved in assault on the streets of Boston. A deal is made with the judge that Will will see a therapist and also study with Professor Lambeau in exchange for time in prison. Will is introduced to many therapists before Lambeau finally goes to his old friend Sean. After a rocky start, Sean starts to get through to Will. They discuss many things together from Will’s troubled past to the newly formed relationship he has with Skylar. Lambeau repeatedly tries to f orce Will into high profile job interviews while Will continually does not show up to them. This causes an argument between Lambeau and Sean. Trouble then begins to start between Will and Skylar after she tellsShow MoreRelatedThe Movie, Good Will Hunting Essay1338 Words   |  6 PagesThe movie, Good Will Hunting (1997), is about a young twenty-year-old man named Will Hunting. Will Hunting lives in a rather impoverished area in South Boston and is a young janitor who typically drinks with his friends in his free time, however, Will is actually an indiscreet self-taught genius. 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