Friday, December 27, 2019

The Islamic State Of Islam - 1996 Words

The whole world is talking about them, and they are causing huge debates throughout the media, social media and society. They are amplifying an uproar against the Muslim/Islam community, that has really only been around for the past decade or so. They are the terrorist organisation, ISIS (or IS, â€Å"Islamic State†). They are not your ordinary terrorist organisation, such as the Al-Qaeda, or the Taliban. The group, ISIS, work differently as a force compared to them, and whether we like it or not this particular organisation is smart, cunning and determined to win. And the media around us are only helping them get stronger everyday, feeding them, and here’s how. It is quite clear that the â€Å"Islamic State† (IS/ISIS) does not actually share the same belief as the fellow Islamic/Muslim community in Australia. ISIS constantly state that the actions they carry out, is the way of Islam, trying to gain the trust and further belief of as many Muslim people as they can anywhere in the world, not just Australia. As of January 2016, Muslim Leaders including the Grand Mufti of Australia back a fatwa against Islamic State. â€Å"Australia’s leading imams have backed a fatwa against the Islamic State terrorist organisation, warning that any support for the organisation contradicts Islamic teachings.† (Sydney Morning, 3 January 2016) So we have Muslim leaders calling out to all their fellow believers that any support of the so-called â€Å"Islamic State† is not tolerated and is against theShow MoreRelatedThe Islamic State Of Islam885 Words   |  4 PagesDuring the seventh century Mohammed founded the Islam religion. Very impressive to know he established the first Islamic state, a theocracy in Medina, a city in Western Saudi Arabia located north of Mecca. Over a course of time he founded two branches of the religion. The Sunni branch have faith in that the first four caliphs Mohammed s descendants technically took his place as the leaders of Muslims. They identify the inheritors of the four caliphs as authentic spiritual leaders. These inheritorsRead MoreThe Islamic State Of Islam1946 Words   |  8 Pagesthe Islamic state governing the Muslims must be created and that if this is violated then there is a violent conflict. †¢ A Fundamentalist is a person who believes in the strict interpretation of principles related to religion and in tolerates other views related to secularism. †¢ Al-Qaeda is a term derived from the Arabic language meaning the foundation. It is a group of Muslims who follow Wahhabism and Islamic principles and Islamic leaders who should be replaced. †¢ ISIS stands for the Islamic StateRead MoreIslam : The Faces Of An Islamic State Essay3358 Words   |  14 PagesBenjamin Thompkins Professor Gregory Weiher 4348 Islamic Political Thought 5/6/2015 Statement of Intent â€Å"Islam: The Faces of an Islamic State† The objective of this research paper is to examine literature to gain an enlightened perspective into the idea of the â€Å"Islamic State† in regards to the Middle East and other traditionally Islamic territories. To gain this insight the theories and ideas of noted Islamic scholars like Maududi, Tahtawi will be probed and analyzed. Tahtawi in particularRead MoreThe Islamic State ( Is A Militant Movement Based On A Fundamental Doctrine Of Islam1646 Words   |  7 PagesSummary: The Islamic State (IS) is a militant movement based on a fundamental doctrine of Sunni Islam. 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It is true that the beliefs that are held by members of terrorist groups are archaic, but it isn’t because the culture and system of modern Islam is medieval in itselfRead MoreThe Way Western Media Reports Events1073 Words   |  5 Pagesgroup ISIS as pure Islamic followers because of their use of verses in the Quran to justify their extremist actions. However, ISIS has a vastly different interpretation of the Quran than other Muslims who follow pure Islamic faith. Western media contributes to the incorrect perception that the extreme beliefs of ISIS are the same as pure Islamic beliefs, creating Westerners to have prejudiced views against Muslims and Islam. ISIS claims their actions are based off pure Islamic beliefs and justifiedRead MoreIslam And Western Imperialism In Islam998 Words   |  4 PagesAlthough the Islamic world has faced many challenges throughout history, Islam’s encounter with Western imperialism during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries has had the greatest impact on contemporary Islam. These encounters with Western powers influenced and shaped the Muslim world by introducing Islam to modernity. The Islamic world’s varied reaction to these challenges of modernity affects a wide range of issues in Islam today. To understand how the Muslim world reacted to Western influenceRead MoreIslamic Reform Movements Essay1531 Words   |  7 PagesIslamic Reform Movements Behind all Islamic reform movements is the rejection of the western idea of nation-state and the principle of separation between the church and state. 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To fully comprehend how attitudes toward the Islamic religion have changed in the past decade, one must consider the history of Islam, andRead MoreTaking a look at Islam1467 Words   |  6 Pagespilgrimage (Pilgrimage to Makkah) i s made-being one of the Islamic Pillars of faith. (Poling 1980, 152-163) Islamic Denominations There are two main denominations or Schools of Islam: the first being the minority sect of the Shia’ School and the second being the majority sect called the Sunni School. Essentially, after the death of Muhammad (peace be upon him), there had been no appointed heir or successor to lead the Islamic people. The man Abu-Bakr was a close companion of Muhammad and

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Management Of The Clinic Manager - 785 Words

The clinic manager’s role in this process change will be to educate the staff on the importance of this change and why this change needs to happen. The manager will also be responsible for monitoring staff engagement and if the patients are receiving this education. The manager is the one who has the power to get this project off the ground. The manager’s interest in the change is to increase the clinics patient satisfaction and to ensure that the patients receive the education. The manager will be the person responsible for maintaining the information on the Internet with the clinic-specific information. The nursing staff will have the most important role in this process change. The nurses are the ones who see the patients first. The nurses will need to be on board and understand that this process change will help us give our patients the knowledge they need as well as increasing their satisfaction. Each nurse will be responsible for maintaining the educational materials while making sure the information is accessible to our patients. An important part of this process change is to make sure the staff is on board, and the patients are receiving the information. The nurses will be able to influence and hold each other accountable for this process change. The nursing staff has the best interest of the patients and wants to provide the best care they can. The nurses have the power to either bring this project along or they can hinder this project if they are not engaged. TheShow MoreRelatedImplementation Of A Project Plan1615 Words   |  7 Pagesfinancial, and infrastructure issues (Deen, Balkaran, 2013). The hospital also contains the clinic services of the area which has an ineffective system to provide treatment to the sick or injured. Currently, a patient needs to wait for a letter of referral before seeking treatment at the clinic (Deen, Balkaran, 2013). Once the letter is received, a patient may wait up to eight hours before being treated in the clinic and have to endure a lengthy process with long wait times before being seen by a healthcareRead MoreDecision Making; Medicaid Cuts1255 Words   |  6 Pagespopulation located in Eastern North Carolina. During this called meeting a manager mentioned the Informed Decision Toolbox, she read about in an article for her graduate program. This article mentions steps or processes to help decide which services could be eliminated or introduced to continue to provide quality care on a reduced budget. The Informed Decision Toolbox (IDT) is an integrated set of tools that offer assistance to managers and policymakers in order to find best practice research supported byRead MoreDecision Making Case Study Essay1189 Words   |  5 Pagesan organization, resources, and staff members.    Managers make important decisions daily that affect the operations, quality, and success of their organization.   Instituting evidence informed decision-making is a growing concept among health care organizations, but managers face several challenges including time pressures and lack of resources to determine quality information. The use of adequate decision-making tools and resources help managers make strategically important decisions as well asRead MoreDecision Making in Health Care1528 Words   |  7 Pageschanges in health care are a frequent topic in many meetings with health care providers. Budget cuts are not just a speculation but are a reality. Decision-making to provide quality pa tient care with less money is a challenge at best. Health care management decisions are made daily and these affect many patients both positively, and negatively. Texas state department budgets are continuing to become leaner, and the Medicaid population seems to be continually growing. Texas currently has an â€Å"unemploymentRead MoreMy Personal View Of Nursing954 Words   |  4 Pageshand on care only. Case Management â€Å"Case management was defined by the American Hospital Association (1986) as the process of planning, organizing, coordinating, and monitoring services and resources needed by clients, while supporting the effective use of health and social services† (Stanhope, Marcia, Lancaster, 2012, p. 487). The goal of case management is to provide quality health care while improving the patient quality of life and containing cost. Case management need to have knowledge ofRead MoreDecision Making Case Study Essay893 Words   |  4 PagesThe scenario is; as a manager in a county clinic that provides care to Medicaid clients, your department budget was recently cut by 15%. From a statewide health policy standpoint, given a defined budget constraint what clinical services should be eliminated or introduced to best address healthcare needs of a Medicaid population. Rundall et al developed a tool they call the Informed Decisions Toolbox or IDT, which they suggest will help make better evidence-informed management decisions. Evidence-informedRead MoreThes Dental Clinics Goals, Objectives And Future Direction1603 Words   |  7 Pagesbe measure through performance management tools to ensure the business is on track and achieving their goals. This report will focus on Bupa s dental clinic’s goals, objectives and future direction. In addition, it shall specifically identify roles and responsibilities of middle managers and consider how they communicate between higher and lower levels of the business. Primary evidence was gathered through a meeting and observations with Bupa’s flagship centre manager to determine their role, responsibilitiesRead MoreNew Electronic Health Record ( Ehr ) That Can Better Support Future Patient And Healthcare Needs1284 Words   |  6 Pagesearned 62 million American patients don’t have a primary care physician The United States is ranked dead last for developed countries in terms of life expectancy As the organization decided to switch to a new EHR system, I was appointed the project manager of the implementation process. One of the first steps the executive leadership and I took was to create a project team and establish implementation strategies. Developing implementation strategies establishes a common vision for the project team andRead MoreSample Resume : Recruitment And Empowerment Of The Staff954 Words   |  4 Pagesconditions in the cardiology clinics leads to increased absenteeism, which has a direct impact not only on the clinic staff but on me as well since I am the only APRN provider in the hospital setting. The cardiology clinic has one RN, two LPNs, and four other ancillary personnel. One would think this would be enough to smoothly run a clinic of 40-50 patients being seen from 1 pm to 5 pm, but I must say it is a zoo during clinic hours. One LPN is answering phone calls during clinic, the other is LPN isRead MoreFianance1366 Words   |  6 Pageswith one a nother. The financial environment of an organization consists of three major components the financial managers, investors and financial markets. Health care services are provided in a regulatory environment that is both different and more comprehensive than that affecting almost any other industry. In order to fully utilize all financial resources it is important that managers understand the organizations financial structure. During this paper we will compare the financial environment of

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Woodwork Brief free essay sample

An organised environment enhances a young person’s bedroom space . Design and make a slimline, wall-mounted storage unit for use in a bedroom. A portion of the unit should provide a means of concealing a number of personal items. The unit should be of elegant proportions, enhanced by the natural beauty of solid wood. Your design should reflect the sustainable ideal of doing more with less. The maximum dimension of the unit should not exceed 500mm. Analysis of Design Brief Identification of requirements . Slimline 2. Wall mounted storage unit 3. Conceals Personal items 4. Must be of elegant proportions 5. Enhanced by beauty of solid wood 6. Do More with less 7. Should not exceed 500mm In order of importance these would be: Must be a Wall mounted storage unit that, should be slimline, Should not exceed 500mm whilst doing more with less and enhance the beauty of solid wood and should me of elegant proportions My Design Requirements for Wall mounted Storage Unit Must be Capable of storing General Items (built in requirement) Must be wall mounted (built in requirement) Should be easy to open Should be able to conceal personal items Should be enhanced by solid wood Must do more with less It Should be functional whilst maintaining attractiveness (Built in requirement) Must not exceed 500mm Should be of elegant proportions It should be safe and stable Investigation and Research Size and shape To begin my Investigation I measured some of the storage units in my house. We will write a custom essay sample on Woodwork Brief or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The measurements of these were 423mm x 587mm, 309mm x 309mm , 400mm x 400mm and 300mm x 300mm. As the first one was bigger than the allowed dimensions (500mm x 500mm) I disregarded it. I also did a â€Å"Google† search on the internet for most popular storage unit sizes. This produced 79 million search results, I reduced the search results by adding the phrase â€Å"in Ireland† with the domain of â€Å". ie†. This brought the search results to an achievable 7000 results. I browsed the top ten results and the size of storage unit which seems to be most popular was 320mm x 300mm. I based my dimensions on all these factors and arrived to the final decision of 400mm x 400mm as personally I felt any less would have been too small and any more it wouldn’t be of elegant proportions. To decide a shape I looked at magazines , catalogues ,television ads and the internet to determine what shapes were already available. The magazines used were â€Å"This is carpentry†, â€Å"Popular Woodworking† and â€Å"WOOD†. The catalogues used were â€Å"Argos† and â€Å"IKEA†. The internet had lots of images of different kinds of wall mounted storage units and a selection of these are available on the next page. There seems to be two main shapes of storage units: a rectangular shape and a more traditional square design. I decide to use the square design as I feel its more practical Materials One of the design brief requirements is that it should enhance the beauty of solid wood. My intentions were to use only hardwoods as they are regarded as being more solid and beautiful than softwoods. After some investigation however I estimated the cost of using all hardwood to be far above my budget. Also hardwoods are far heavier than softwoods and as the storage unit is wall mounted I thought it should be lighter as there’ll be less chance of it falling off the wall. The choice I was left with was: Douglas Fir, Scots Pine, Sitka Spruce , Lodge pole pine and Larch. I looked at their dvantages and disadvantages to determine which to use DOUGLAS FIR Advantages Hard, Strong, resistant to decay , cracking, splitting. Easily worked by machine and hand tools Attractive grain Disadvantages Hard knots-difficult to work with. Can dull cutting edges SCOTS PINE or RED DEAL Advantages Fairly strong and stable, relatively easy to work with, Cheap and readily available. Finishes well, At tractive knotting, Chips away easily for pairing Disadvantage Low resistance to shock . Knots and resin can be problematic and can cause cutting and finishing problems. Chips away easily when dropped etc. Advantages Strong and dense, cheap and readily available. Attractive grain pattern, Satisfactory finisher Disadvantages Very knotty- difficult to work with SITKA SPRUCE Advantages Lightweight, Strong, Elastic ,Easily worked with hand and machine tools. Average Finisher Disadvantages Tools must be very sharp to avoid tearing the grain. Wood is soft and easily Marked LARCH Advantages Strong, resists abrasion , cheap , relatively easy to work with , resists water well. Satisfactory finish Disadvantages Heavier than other softwoods , knots can blunt cutting edges of tools, tends to warp Chosen Material Out of all these options I narrowed it down to two suitable woods. These were douglas fir and scots pine. My school at the time did not have any douglas fir and neither did my local wood supplier so that made my choice for me. Scots pine or red deal as its commonly known is fairly strong and stable, relatively easy to work with. It is cheap and readily available. It finishes well and has attractive knotting. It takes preservative well and takes nails and tacks without splitting . The â€Å"live knots† add character to the piece. It can be left unprotected indoors. The most common finishes are wax and Polish Appearance The finish I chose was varnish , polyurethane clear varnish . It is resistant to Heat , water and most chemicals , although nail varnish remover (acetone) strips it . It gives protection against continual knocks and scratches . It can withstand wear and tear . It is easy to apply and is safe for children . It comes in three finishes : Gloss , satin and matte . I have chosen gloss because it brings out the shine in the wood . The varnish will expand and contract with the wood and there is a microporous version available that allows the timber to breathe . I have decided not to go for this microporous option due to cost Development of Design Ideas Design ideas / possible solutions Taking into account the criteria of the brief I then put ideas down on paper through rough sketches to ideas drawn from other sources which included the internet and design manuals . This enabled me to visualise the finished product . Each design will have advantages and disadvantages ; It was up to me to decide which design best suits the requirements of the brief Solution 1 Advantages of solution 1 Attractive Compact- is of elegant proportions Enhances the beauty of solid wood well with the equilibrium between softwood and hardwoods Slimline Disadvantages of solution 1 Would be tough to get softwood to match up evenly with hardwood Sides would be tricky to make as they would have to be round The curved design restricts space on inside for storage Solution 2 Advantages of solution 2 Still has ying yang design from solution 1 but is overall a better , more practical shape Stable build Could easily be wall mounted Easier to make than solution 1 Has a more practical means of storage than solution 1 Disadvantages of solution 2 Ying yang design would be even harder to match up due to it needing to fit the rest of the door also Is not slimline Not compact – not of elegant proportions Solution 3 – Final solution *Two identical red deal doors will cover the front Advantages of solution 3 (final solution) Design is simple and easy to craft. Has the same practical storage of solution 2 but does not have the ying yang design as it would have been too tricky to manufacture. Will be easier to use finishes as the hardwood has been taken out so there’s no need to accommodate for it Disadvantages of solution 3 Without the ying yang design it looks bare and empty Heavy Not compact – not of elegant solutions Not slimline Will protrude from wall when mounted Manufacture Mark out and cut four rectangular pieces of red deal together 400mm x 160mm Mark out intermatching finger joints on all corners e. g A to A ,B to B etc. Cut out finger joints using coping saw Sand and pare joints until they fit together Glue Interlocking joints together using G-clamps and wood glue to create basic frame Sand frame using sandpaper (left – Right) P80 ,P100,P120, a sanding block and finish it off with wet/dry Emory paper 7. Mark out and take out two pairs of trenches for shelves to slide into Mark out and cut two rectangular pieces of red deal for shelves 380mm x 160mm Pare down inside of trench until shelves are able to slide in fully Place glue on inside of trenches and slide the shelves in and leave them dry Mark out and cut a sheet of MDF (medium density fibreboard) to be used as a back panel 400mm x 400mm Use a tack hammer to tack the MDF onto the rear of the storage unit Mark out and cut a sheet of red deal 400mm x 400mm and cut it into two equal pieces which will serve as doors Sand doors using the same method as mentioned previous to achieve a desirable smoothness to enhance the finish Attach doors using piano hinges Apply varnish Evaluation I am overall happy with the design although I would have like to have done the ying yang design. In hindsight if I were to do this again I would make some changes: I would try to incorporate some hardwoods to give it a better and more attractive look I would add the ying yang design for doors if at all possible as I did really like it The finish I would change to beeswax as this would give it a more natural looking finish whilst protecting from water I would try to make it more compact and slimline while not sacrificing practicality and too much storage space.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Jewish Synagogue experience

Table of Contents Introduction Jewish synagogue: A brief overview My experience at the synagogue during Sabbath Relevance of the Sabbath to Judaism Personal reflection and conclusion Works Cited Introduction The human race is characterized by its high level of variance exhibited in clothing, language, ideologies and religion to name but a few. This differences which are mostly as a result of cultural diversity and socialization are not only visible in our ways of life but also in the religious tenets that guide us.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Jewish Synagogue experience specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Through out time, man has engaged in the practice many religions each serving a specific purpose to its faithful. As a result, there are many religions through which various cultures attain their spiritual and moral bearings in a bid to bring themselves closer to a higher power (deity). The different religi ons are differentiated in terms of beliefs, customs and purpose and are similar in one way or the other. This paper shall set out to describe my personal experience at a Jewish synagogue. To this end, I shall explain a ritual that I observed and its impact on my life. In addition, I shall highlight various aspects that I found intriguing at this place of worship. Considering that I am not Jewish, I shall also reflect on how the congregation treated me during the service. Jewish synagogue: A brief overview According to Rich, the Jewish community goes to the synagogue for prayers, Torah readings and teachings (1). These practices act as replacements for the ritual sacrifices practiced by Jews of older days. The synagogue has three main functions: firstly, it is a beit tefilah; which means a house of prayer. In Judaism, group prayers play an integral part in strengthening faith. The synagogue presents the followers with an avenue through which this practice can be observed. Secondly, t he synagogue is also a house of study where Jewish children are taught about their religion, culture and moral practices. This process is commonly known as the bat mitzvah. Thirdly, like most places of worship, the synagogue acts as a social gathering place where various social and charity events can be held. My experience at the synagogue during Sabbath A few weeks ago, I visited a Jewish place of worship called Temple Sinai which is located in Summit, New Jersey. My main aim was to observe a ritual that is commonly practiced by the Jewish community (the Sabbath prayers held on Friday evenings). Considering that I was from a different religion and that this was my first time to enter a synagogue, I did not know what to expect. However, the little research I had done on this religion gave my some clues on how to behave and what the experience ought to be like (especially to a visitor).Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your fi rst paper with 15% OFF Learn More This synagogue practices Reform Judaism. This means that they welcome innovation in their religious practices all the while preserving the traditions that founded the religion (Temple Sinai, New Jersey 1). Upon entry into the synagogue, I received a warm welcome from members of the congregation. I was offered a small round cap familiarly known as a yarmulke. The main purpose of this cap was to show respect to God and the place of worship. As I came to learn, all men and women are expected to cover their heads while at the synagogue. After wearing the cap, I was directed to a sit on the front rows. The portion of the synagogue where prayer rituals are held is known as a sanctuary and it is located at the front of the synagogue facing Jerusalem. The set up within the synagogue was most intriguing. There were some salient items which as I later learnt were not part of the dà ©cor, but significant attributes to the religious rituals held at th e synagogue. Key among them was an Ark which resembles a cabinet and holds the Torah scrolls (Holy Scriptures). In fact, the Ark is commonly known as the Aron Kodesh which translates to the â€Å"holy cabinet†. Slightly above the ark, there was a lamp (ner tamid). â€Å"This lamp symbolizes the commandment to keep a light burning in the Tabernacle outside of the curtain surrounding the Ark of the Covenant (Rich 1)†. Finally, there was a pedestal commonly referred to as the bimah onto which the torah scrolls are placed when they are being read (BBC 1). The prayers that were cited were very methodical. Every time the scrolls were retrieved or returned to the Ark, all congregants were supposed to stand. In addition, I noticed that the curtains inside the Ark could be opened or closed in some prayers. This I came to learn was an honor given to members of the congregation. Similarly, English translations of the prayers and citations were made available. As such, a visitor c ould easily follow on the proceedings without the feeling of segregation or isolation. Relevance of the Sabbath to Judaism The Sabbath is among the commonly celebrated events in Jewish communities. The purpose of this celebration is to remind the Jewish community that everything that the earth provides is indeed gifts that God has presented to them. As such, Friday evenings are spent welcoming the Sabbath through prayers, blessings and feasts. The prayers that I attended are part of the rituals that are practiced during this ritual. This means that there are other rituals practiced during Sabbath. However, the prayers at the synagogue presents the congregants with an opportunity to pray together, discuss various scriptures and get valuable teachings form their rabbi.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Jewish Synagogue experience specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Personal reflection and conclusion This experience was very insightful to me. Despite the fact that I attended the service out of curiosity, I was surprised to find that I actually learnt something. To begin with, the level of organization as exhibited by the congregants was impressive. Each member new their roles and they executed them perfectly. Their attentiveness, mannerisms and respect for their place of worship was also very admirable. In a sense, I felt the presence of God in the synagogue. By participating in the prayers, I felt at peace and thankful for what I had. People always take life for granted and in most cases forget to give thanks to God for what they have achieved. This experience was a wakeup call for me. This is especially so in regard to the fact that we often forget to thank God in wealth and only as for his assistance during hardships. Similarly, I was surprised to find out that there are some similarities between Judaism and Christianity. In both religions, some prayers are cited in unison. In addition, the lig hting of the candle is symbolic in both religions. Finally, praying together is equally important to both religions. On the other hand, there were some notable differences. The covering of the congregants’ heads is not as important to Catholics as it is to Jews. In addition, the sharing and breaking of bread in the catholic is done in the church (Sacrament) while the Jews do that in their homes. Despite our differences in modes of worship, we all seek to find spiritual fulfillment from our religions. It would therefore be a worthwhile endeavor if we could embrace the common aspects in our religions and tolerate the differences. This would in the end, ensure a harmonious coexistence within the human race. Works Cited BBC. The synagogue. 13 August, 2009. Web. Rich, Tracy. Synagogues, Shuls and Temples. 2001. Web. Temple Sinai, New Jersey. What is Reform? 2011. Web. https://w Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on Jewish Synagogue experience was written and submitted by user Talon A. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Jewish Synagogue experience

Table of Contents Introduction Jewish synagogue: A brief overview My experience at the synagogue during Sabbath Relevance of the Sabbath to Judaism Personal reflection and conclusion Works Cited Introduction The human race is characterized by its high level of variance exhibited in clothing, language, ideologies and religion to name but a few. This differences which are mostly as a result of cultural diversity and socialization are not only visible in our ways of life but also in the religious tenets that guide us.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Jewish Synagogue experience specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Through out time, man has engaged in the practice many religions each serving a specific purpose to its faithful. As a result, there are many religions through which various cultures attain their spiritual and moral bearings in a bid to bring themselves closer to a higher power (deity). The different religi ons are differentiated in terms of beliefs, customs and purpose and are similar in one way or the other. This paper shall set out to describe my personal experience at a Jewish synagogue. To this end, I shall explain a ritual that I observed and its impact on my life. In addition, I shall highlight various aspects that I found intriguing at this place of worship. Considering that I am not Jewish, I shall also reflect on how the congregation treated me during the service. Jewish synagogue: A brief overview According to Rich, the Jewish community goes to the synagogue for prayers, Torah readings and teachings (1). These practices act as replacements for the ritual sacrifices practiced by Jews of older days. The synagogue has three main functions: firstly, it is a beit tefilah; which means a house of prayer. In Judaism, group prayers play an integral part in strengthening faith. The synagogue presents the followers with an avenue through which this practice can be observed. Secondly, t he synagogue is also a house of study where Jewish children are taught about their religion, culture and moral practices. This process is commonly known as the bat mitzvah. Thirdly, like most places of worship, the synagogue acts as a social gathering place where various social and charity events can be held. My experience at the synagogue during Sabbath A few weeks ago, I visited a Jewish place of worship called Temple Sinai which is located in Summit, New Jersey. My main aim was to observe a ritual that is commonly practiced by the Jewish community (the Sabbath prayers held on Friday evenings). Considering that I was from a different religion and that this was my first time to enter a synagogue, I did not know what to expect. However, the little research I had done on this religion gave my some clues on how to behave and what the experience ought to be like (especially to a visitor).Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your fi rst paper with 15% OFF Learn More This synagogue practices Reform Judaism. This means that they welcome innovation in their religious practices all the while preserving the traditions that founded the religion (Temple Sinai, New Jersey 1). Upon entry into the synagogue, I received a warm welcome from members of the congregation. I was offered a small round cap familiarly known as a yarmulke. The main purpose of this cap was to show respect to God and the place of worship. As I came to learn, all men and women are expected to cover their heads while at the synagogue. After wearing the cap, I was directed to a sit on the front rows. The portion of the synagogue where prayer rituals are held is known as a sanctuary and it is located at the front of the synagogue facing Jerusalem. The set up within the synagogue was most intriguing. There were some salient items which as I later learnt were not part of the dà ©cor, but significant attributes to the religious rituals held at th e synagogue. Key among them was an Ark which resembles a cabinet and holds the Torah scrolls (Holy Scriptures). In fact, the Ark is commonly known as the Aron Kodesh which translates to the â€Å"holy cabinet†. Slightly above the ark, there was a lamp (ner tamid). â€Å"This lamp symbolizes the commandment to keep a light burning in the Tabernacle outside of the curtain surrounding the Ark of the Covenant (Rich 1)†. Finally, there was a pedestal commonly referred to as the bimah onto which the torah scrolls are placed when they are being read (BBC 1). The prayers that were cited were very methodical. Every time the scrolls were retrieved or returned to the Ark, all congregants were supposed to stand. In addition, I noticed that the curtains inside the Ark could be opened or closed in some prayers. This I came to learn was an honor given to members of the congregation. Similarly, English translations of the prayers and citations were made available. As such, a visitor c ould easily follow on the proceedings without the feeling of segregation or isolation. Relevance of the Sabbath to Judaism The Sabbath is among the commonly celebrated events in Jewish communities. The purpose of this celebration is to remind the Jewish community that everything that the earth provides is indeed gifts that God has presented to them. As such, Friday evenings are spent welcoming the Sabbath through prayers, blessings and feasts. The prayers that I attended are part of the rituals that are practiced during this ritual. This means that there are other rituals practiced during Sabbath. However, the prayers at the synagogue presents the congregants with an opportunity to pray together, discuss various scriptures and get valuable teachings form their rabbi.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Jewish Synagogue experience specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Personal reflection and conclusion This experience was very insightful to me. Despite the fact that I attended the service out of curiosity, I was surprised to find that I actually learnt something. To begin with, the level of organization as exhibited by the congregants was impressive. Each member new their roles and they executed them perfectly. Their attentiveness, mannerisms and respect for their place of worship was also very admirable. In a sense, I felt the presence of God in the synagogue. By participating in the prayers, I felt at peace and thankful for what I had. People always take life for granted and in most cases forget to give thanks to God for what they have achieved. This experience was a wakeup call for me. This is especially so in regard to the fact that we often forget to thank God in wealth and only as for his assistance during hardships. Similarly, I was surprised to find out that there are some similarities between Judaism and Christianity. In both religions, some prayers are cited in unison. In addition, the lig hting of the candle is symbolic in both religions. Finally, praying together is equally important to both religions. On the other hand, there were some notable differences. The covering of the congregants’ heads is not as important to Catholics as it is to Jews. In addition, the sharing and breaking of bread in the catholic is done in the church (Sacrament) while the Jews do that in their homes. Despite our differences in modes of worship, we all seek to find spiritual fulfillment from our religions. It would therefore be a worthwhile endeavor if we could embrace the common aspects in our religions and tolerate the differences. This would in the end, ensure a harmonious coexistence within the human race. Works Cited BBC. The synagogue. 13 August, 2009. Web. Rich, Tracy. Synagogues, Shuls and Temples. 2001. Web. Temple Sinai, New Jersey. What is Reform? 2011. Web. https://w Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on Jewish Synagogue experience was written and submitted by user Talon A. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.