Friday, December 27, 2019

The Islamic State Of Islam - 1996 Words

The whole world is talking about them, and they are causing huge debates throughout the media, social media and society. They are amplifying an uproar against the Muslim/Islam community, that has really only been around for the past decade or so. They are the terrorist organisation, ISIS (or IS, â€Å"Islamic State†). They are not your ordinary terrorist organisation, such as the Al-Qaeda, or the Taliban. The group, ISIS, work differently as a force compared to them, and whether we like it or not this particular organisation is smart, cunning and determined to win. And the media around us are only helping them get stronger everyday, feeding them, and here’s how. It is quite clear that the â€Å"Islamic State† (IS/ISIS) does not actually share the same belief as the fellow Islamic/Muslim community in Australia. ISIS constantly state that the actions they carry out, is the way of Islam, trying to gain the trust and further belief of as many Muslim people as they can anywhere in the world, not just Australia. As of January 2016, Muslim Leaders including the Grand Mufti of Australia back a fatwa against Islamic State. â€Å"Australia’s leading imams have backed a fatwa against the Islamic State terrorist organisation, warning that any support for the organisation contradicts Islamic teachings.† (Sydney Morning, 3 January 2016) So we have Muslim leaders calling out to all their fellow believers that any support of the so-called â€Å"Islamic State† is not tolerated and is against theShow MoreRelatedThe Islamic State Of Islam885 Words   |  4 PagesDuring the seventh century Mohammed founded the Islam religion. Very impressive to know he established the first Islamic state, a theocracy in Medina, a city in Western Saudi Arabia located north of Mecca. Over a course of time he founded two branches of the religion. The Sunni branch have faith in that the first four caliphs Mohammed s descendants technically took his place as the leaders of Muslims. They identify the inheritors of the four caliphs as authentic spiritual leaders. These inheritorsRead MoreThe Islamic State Of Islam1946 Words   |  8 Pagesthe Islamic state governing the Muslims must be created and that if this is violated then there is a violent conflict. †¢ A Fundamentalist is a person who believes in the strict interpretation of principles related to religion and in tolerates other views related to secularism. †¢ Al-Qaeda is a term derived from the Arabic language meaning the foundation. It is a group of Muslims who follow Wahhabism and Islamic principles and Islamic leaders who should be replaced. †¢ ISIS stands for the Islamic StateRead MoreIslam : The Faces Of An Islamic State Essay3358 Words   |  14 PagesBenjamin Thompkins Professor Gregory Weiher 4348 Islamic Political Thought 5/6/2015 Statement of Intent â€Å"Islam: The Faces of an Islamic State† The objective of this research paper is to examine literature to gain an enlightened perspective into the idea of the â€Å"Islamic State† in regards to the Middle East and other traditionally Islamic territories. To gain this insight the theories and ideas of noted Islamic scholars like Maududi, Tahtawi will be probed and analyzed. Tahtawi in particularRead MoreThe Islamic State ( Is A Militant Movement Based On A Fundamental Doctrine Of Islam1646 Words   |  7 PagesSummary: The Islamic State (IS) is a militant movement based on a fundamental doctrine of Sunni Islam. 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